About Kelly

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I'm Kelly. I'm an Australian, married, thirty something year old pedantic, bossy and lazy reader.

After a long hiatus from books, like many mature young adult readers, I rediscovered fiction through Twilight. I'm an avid young adult reader, masquerading as an adult. I have a strong preference for young adult dystopian novels set in post apocalyptic worlds with strong female protagonists, oppressive regimes and rebellions. Beautifully lyrical narrations, adventurous middle grade and young adult novels placed within the French Revolution.

I've contributed to Break Thru Radio, iBrary, Brisbane City Council's website for high school students and The Journal, the review blog for online bookstore Bookfari. I founded and manage the Australian YA Bloggers and Readers groups across Australia and New Zealand, along with a wonderful team of bloggers and readers. I'm a passionate supporter of Australian young adult novels and authors and advocate for literacy.
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